I got to take photos for this amazing little guy named Ike the other day! At first he was pretty shy and not so sure about taking photos, although I've taken his photos several times, lol. But soon we got him to make some silly faces, jump around, and dance which got him to loosen up and be willing to take some great shots. I used my 80-140 lens to capture different distances which worked out really well. When I shooting kids, especially when they are feeling shy or are not in the mood to take photos, its always easier to use a lens wit length so that I don't have to be in their face. Its really great when parents (like Stephanie & Ben) get involved with the shoot and help encourage their kiddo to relax and have fun. We got some photos with a well lite background (white) and then I ended up bringing in a soft box light on the left side and let that bring a different look and feel to the shoot, and I loved the way it turned out. Ike is such a cute little man and I always have fun taking photos of him. He definitely a rough and tumble boy who loves cars and super heroes and man does he have some good dance moves :D Thanks again for coming out and seeing me guys!